
POLD1 or defects in genes predispose to colon cancer will POLE

Genetic scientists at Oxford University on 20 Nfrazkhanvadh DNA genome of the sequenced with history of colon cancer. Nfrazayn eight of 20 patients were diagnosed with colon cancer, while the rest of their first-degree relatives with the disease. These people saw people carrying copies of their DNA abnormalities and defective genes POLD1 POLE and colon cancer are more at risk than others.

Doctors Without Borders site report identifying the gene that explains why some families are more prone to this cancer. These genes are passed from child to parent body formation and the risk of colon cancer increases dramatically.
The researchers add: By identifying defective versions of the gene and a family history of colon cancer screening, people who have a predisposition to cancer patients diagnosed using colonoscopy and other methods to prevent the disease in worked.
They found that everyone who has a defect in the gene POLE POLD1 or colon cancer or bowel cancer, is a step forward.
They then confirmed their findings in these two gene defects in approximately 4000 patients with colorectal cancer and 6,700 people without the disease were studied.
None of these individuals without colorectal cancer, there was no genetic defects. However, 12 patients with a defect in a gene POLE Nfrba POLD1 gene defects were found in individuals with colon cancer.
POLD1 marked defect in the gene increase the risk of uterine cancer and brain cancer is probably the Seven uterine cancer in this study were diagnosed with brain tumors in developing the two.
According to researchers and POLD1 POLE genes are genes involved in DNA damage repair processes and malfunctioning genes and accumulation of DNA damage in individual causes changes in the body that are involved in colon cancer.
Professor Ian Tomlinson of human Mrkzzhntyk Rhbrayn Oxford University study said the two defects are rare, but if you forget to inherit them, you have high chances of developing colon cancer.
People with a family history of the disease by testing for these genes, we who are at high risk using colonoscopy and other methods can help to prevent this disease.
POLE genes and POLD1, Drfrayndhayy that repair DNA damage are involved. Without the proper function of these genes, those with damaged DNA, and that this may lead to changes Tsvrbran that can cause colon cancer.
Other results from this study with additional research to confirm the findings obtained in more people added version POLD1 defective gene with increased risk of uterine cancer and brain cancer, has been associated with the 7 people in Additional studies also have copies of the defective gene and one POLD1 with cervical cancer has been diagnosed with two brain tumors.
The research, published in Nature Genetics (Nature Genetics) has been released.

Knowing the symptoms of mouth cancer

Bshnasydsrtan signs of oral cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells in certain tissues or organs in the body begin to grow out of control and increase the number of those who find normal.
In the life of regeneration and proliferation of normal cells is a controlled process. It causes the body's natural growth and repair of tissues damaged by ulcers.
When normal cells grow outside, they have created a mass of cells called a tumor. Some tumors grow only in places where they grow their own creation called benign tumors.
Some tumors grow not only in their appearance, but also the ability to invade and damage nearby tissues and organs, and may spread to the remote parts of the body.
These tumors are called malignant tumors or cancerous. Spread to distant parts of the body occurs when malignant cells are freed from their original location and transported through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and become the new spots, the new tumor order to build a. The creation of new tumors, called metastases.
● Oral Cancer
The cancers in areas of the lips, gums, tongue or lining of the mouth, they are placed in this category.These cancers usually develop in people over 40 and their incidence increases with age.
This cancer affects more men there, but the increase in smoking among women may be about to change.Oral cancers are readily detectable. Early symptoms of cancer is easily visible or palpable.
Zhan any sores or swelling or lump in the neck that persists longer than two weeks should be examined by a doctor. Although these symptoms are not related to cancer, go to the doctor when the patient can be saved.
If oral cancer is detected and treated early, the chances for a full recovery are good. There are still a major cause of oral cancers is not known, research has shown that most of these cancers by factors that are associated with life, are formed.
Patients with large or tobacco smoke Myjvnd and people who consume large quantities of alcohol, are at greater risk for developing oral cancer. In addition, people who stay too long in the sun, are more likely to develop cancer of the lip.
Small changes in lifestyle such as smoking and alcohol consumption and lack of sunlight radiation protection can reduce the risk of oral cancer.
● Place of mouth cancer
The most common sites of cancer of the mouth, lower lip, tongue, floor of the mouth and gums. Also as far as the tonsils, salivary glands and oral cavity inner surface species may be caused by cancer. If these points cancers not diagnosed and not treated early, the cancer cells spread to lymph nodes in the neck and jaw bones.
● Origin of mouth cancer
Between 90 to 95 percent of oral cancers are squamous cells that cover the inside of the mouth, are derived. When these cells grow out of control, which makes the cancer squamous carcinoma or 'squamous cell carcinoma' say.
Most ulcers, masses of white or red patches in the mouth or around the lips can be seen, not cancer is often followed by biting the tongue, more allergic reactions, infections and broken teeth are formed. If the irritation does not improve within two weeks, to be followed by a doctor.
● Causes of mouth cancer
Many oral cancers (75 to 70 percent) of smoking, long-term consumption of tobacco or alcohol along with smoking are caused Ghyrastnshaqy. Repeated calls to the sun can cause lip cancer is low. Also proposed by chronic teeth broken in rare cases may lead to oral cancer.
▪ Tobacco
Mortality rates of oral cancer in smokers are four times more likely than nonsmokers. Oral cancer risk in people and also consumer NAS Myjvnd tobacco is higher than normal. Pipe smoking and lip cancer are both.
When you consume too much alcohol while Msrfknnd tobacco, also increase the risk of cancer.
▪ Sunlight
The relationship between lip cancer and repeated calls by the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight is well known.Farmers, fishermen, construction workers, Askybazan and those who long to live since his time in the sun, you can protect yourself from sun damage.
A protective cream with the SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which contains a sun protection before the sun is rubbed onto the lips, best lip cancers are preventable. Use a hat to protect the face helps.
● proposed from teeth
Broken teeth or dentures caused by proposed chronically poor often do not cause cancer. However, in rare cases, may cause problems associated with oral cancer.
As a good preventive measure, when the teeth are causing damage to the surrounding mucosa should be examined by a dentist.
● Detection
Oral cancer symptoms often resemble the common problems that are found in the mouth (such as ulcers, masses of white and red spots). These symptoms are easily seen and touched. If these changes do not improve within two weeks should be checked by a doctor.
Early signs of mouth cancer is rarely painful.
▪ important symptoms are:
Mouth ulcers could not find the improve
Ulcer or wart-like spots on the lips
Persistent sore throat;
Lesions following placement of artificial teeth
Neck mass
Difficulty chewing or swallowing
See patches of red velvet (Arytrvplaky) or white (Lkvplaky) in the mouth increases the risk of precancerous changes.
However, in most cases, white spots, red or a mixture of them not related to cancer, a careful examination should be performed by a physician. Surgery for cancer diagnosis, a biopsy may be performed. During this operation, the location of suspected small piece of tissue is removed and numb, then carefully under a microscope in the laboratory and found 

A melancholy mood disorder due to a depression

Although it can be a variety of specialty mental retardation from the angle of interest row
And they focus on the specialties outlined, but it is best to
Subscribe to the complete segmentation of AAMR comments
IV and ICD 10 there, instead of using terms such as
Cana, stupid, flexible learning, open education, shelter, and they are classified as a disorder
More specific and more efficient to do so, America Psychiatric Association (
APA) in its final classification of mental retardation based on five categories as
Mild, moderate, severe, profound uncertainty (SU)
Has classified.
Retardation Mild mental retardation in 85% of the class
Are. The intelligence of children 50 to 55 to 70 in
Is considered. That is usually due to normal appearance and
No sensory impairment - physical or verbal behavior and social well being of relatively minor
Normal school age, is not recognized. Mildly retarded children at an early age than slower growing
And the additional support in the areas of self-care such as eating, dressing and
Go cleanliness training need. They can get to fifth grade until late adolescence
Studied the relative social adjustment and gradually learned skills
Professional and social self-sufficiency for at least nine times in normal and stressful situations
Learn. They speak so fluently and
Usually they can read, write and do arithmetic, but their activity and academic performance
Extent of the needs of everyday life and in adulthood, especially in their
Financial management tips must be required. Longer they can keep their jobs
And have friends and some can marry and bear children.
Most of mild mental retardation from minority groups and social backgrounds and expertise
Down to the general population. Many more remain behind in the minority groups indicate
Significant effects on the environment - cultural and genetic.
Moderate retardation: a retarded one tenth largest group of
IQ level 35-40 to 50-55, and they are not able to speak or at least relationships are
Most of that intelligence and social adjustment problems. Mentally retarded children
Often during preschool ages of 2-3 years appears.
Many people with this kind of lag one or multiple organ failure
Are identified., For example, the number of people with the syndrome and the syndrome
Fragile X mental retardation are at an intermediate level. They are about six years
Cups and spoons to eat their own food and water. Dressed in work
They should start toilet training, the number of words used and the shape of the
Detected. During adolescence, they learn self-care skills and can
Simply make a call, read a few words and do simple tasks. Awareness
Limited social learning, adults can benefit from them in the Works
Professional and easy to take care of yourself, recognize your position. Yet in
Stressful conditions are required supervision and guidance of 0.1
Severe retardation: a retarded group of around four percent
Make the IQ level 20-25 to 35-40 with one of these types of retardation is associated with more severe disorders. Majority
Organ failure of one or more individuals suffer from mental retardation. Many people with
Mental retardation, severe physical or motor problems to simultaneously show the
While some other respiratory disease, heart disease or other disorders show. Per
However, people with severe mental retardation, poor motor development in the years ahead
Show a significant slowing of the school and speak slowly and usually twenties and
Learn relations and numerical skills and reading in everyday life
, Do not come. Many of them in group homes or institutions under the supervision of environmental
Some live in small workshops and vocational centers
Profound mental retardation: Mental retardation is less than the number of
Percent of them are backward and their IQ is lower than the 25-30, at least
The ability of sensory functions - to move 0.1 and nursing needs constant support. Few of them somewhat self-care ability and speech, and learn simple social behavior, but the
However, they require constant nursing care.
Local retardation: Floor
Unknown persons suspected to cause retardation of mental retardation
Measurement is different, is considered. These sub-categories if the imagination
A person's IQ is higher than 70 is not used.
The incidence of retardation
Mind on Statistics vary. Looks digits 1 to 3 percent figure
Be more acceptable. Statistics show that boys lagged about 1/5 for girls back
Are needed.
In the very back
May be retained for a long time before it is known which individual constraints. Lies
Or remain in a certain stage of life due to good adaptation, not an official diagnosis
Did. Highest incidence in school children aged between 10 and 14 is the maximum.
With increasing age, the prevalence of severe or profound mental retardation due to mortality rates, years of Gee
The resulting blend is associated with physical abnormalities is less.
A large group of mentally retarded from the start of the union of sperm and ovule are unknown, namely, interruption or disruption of a tug kill himself. Defect in a single gene or a gene pair, the
Loss, or loss of a chromosome was more important factors in severe retardation
Or are deep, though it rarely happens, but if it happens, the effects
Sharp leaves. Effects of another gene in mental retardation, poor performance, or
The lack of enzyme systems and chemical functions of the enzyme., In such a situation the body's inability
The production of the enzymes which metabolize fat, sugar and protein
Is the accumulation of excessive natural metabolic and intellectual development of children
Environmental and psychosocial factors in the etiology of mental retardation.
The majority of children lagging behind society
Psycho-social - are usually due to a lack of significant differences with
Normal children bring to school are not recognized if the child is usually 1) of a compromise and
Acts retarded IQ level, 2) evidence of retardation in the immediate family
If not, 3) show clear signs of pathological conditions in the brain, not available
4) had a poor family background and family problems created homes
, Malnutrition, inadequate medical care, the child can say it backwards
Mental retardation - is social. General, the mental retardation - social or child
Poor quality operation between the cultural environment and other people around their faces
Or that the social isolation and sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and long
Growth has fallen during the day. Exclusion as one of the environmental factors, the map
Pervasive and destructive than children in the general competence that will
The most obvious effect is manifested in the verbal process. This is considered
The high correlation between early verbal stimulation and intelligence, the intelligence development process, key
Plays. The quality stimulate children and how parents interact with the children's role in
Cot verbal abilities and deficiencies or defects that can reduce
These capabilities help. Research in this area indicates multiple trigger levels
Words, an important predictor of future changes are considered child.
In the context of the treatment of mental retardation as a successful, practicing and learning the hypothetical life situations and providing appropriate feedback to children to help.
Given the problems that arise retarded children's family education, family role and competence, and kept them in their thoughts or coping with the reality of the
Increases with retarded children. Parents an opportunity to express feelings in this regard should
Of guilt, hopelessness, denial, anger is associated with impaired child and his future with the
Providing the latest information on the causes, treatment, and other related spheres parents
Such as special education, and the term sensory impairment, their ability in dealing with problems
Son said.
Medication can be adjusted with mentally retarded children and some of their behavior.
Their role is as aggressive abuse., Some studies suggest that
Lithium is useful in reducing aggression and self-abuse backward. 

A melancholy mood disorder due to a depression

Although it can be a variety of specialty mental retardation from the angle of interest row
And they focus on the specialties outlined, but it is best to
Subscribe to the complete segmentation of AAMR comments
IV and ICD 10 there, instead of using terms such as
Cana, stupid, flexible learning, open education, shelter, and they are classified as a disorder
More specific and more efficient to do so, America Psychiatric Association (
APA) in its final classification of mental retardation based on five categories as
Mild, moderate, severe, profound uncertainty (SU)
Has classified.
Retardation Mild mental retardation in 85% of the class
Are. The intelligence of children 50 to 55 to 70 in
Is considered. That is usually due to normal appearance and
No sensory impairment - physical or verbal behavior and social well being of relatively minor
Normal school age, is not recognized. Mildly retarded children at an early age than slower growing
And the additional support in the areas of self-care such as eating, dressing and
Go cleanliness training need. They can get to fifth grade until late adolescence
Studied the relative social adjustment and gradually learned skills
Professional and social self-sufficiency for at least nine times in normal and stressful situations
Learn. They speak so fluently and
Usually they can read, write and do arithmetic, but their activity and academic performance
Extent of the needs of everyday life and in adulthood, especially in their
Financial management tips must be required. Longer they can keep their jobs
And have friends and some can marry and bear children.
Most of mild mental retardation from minority groups and social backgrounds and expertise
Down to the general population. Many more remain behind in the minority groups indicate
Significant effects on the environment - cultural and genetic.
Moderate retardation: a retarded one tenth largest group of
IQ level 35-40 to 50-55, and they are not able to speak or at least relationships are
Most of that intelligence and social adjustment problems. Mentally retarded children
Often during preschool ages of 2-3 years appears.
Many people with this kind of lag one or multiple organ failure
Are identified., For example, the number of people with the syndrome and the syndrome
Fragile X mental retardation are at an intermediate level. They are about six years
Cups and spoons to eat their own food and water. Dressed in work
They should start toilet training, the number of words used and the shape of the
Detected. During adolescence, they learn self-care skills and can
Simply make a call, read a few words and do simple tasks. Awareness
Limited social learning, adults can benefit from them in the Works
Professional and easy to take care of yourself, recognize your position. Yet in
Stressful conditions are required supervision and guidance of 0.1
Severe retardation: a retarded group of around four percent
Make the IQ level 20-25 to 35-40 with one of these types of retardation is associated with more severe disorders. Majority
Organ failure of one or more individuals suffer from mental retardation. Many people with
Mental retardation, severe physical or motor problems to simultaneously show the
While some other respiratory disease, heart disease or other disorders show. Per
However, people with severe mental retardation, poor motor development in the years ahead
Show a significant slowing of the school and speak slowly and usually twenties and
Learn relations and numerical skills and reading in everyday life
, Do not come. Many of them in group homes or institutions under the supervision of environmental
Some live in small workshops and vocational centers
Profound mental retardation: Mental retardation is less than the number of
Percent of them are backward and their IQ is lower than the 25-30, at least
The ability of sensory functions - to move 0.1 and nursing needs constant support. Few of them somewhat self-care ability and speech, and learn simple social behavior, but the
However, they require constant nursing care.
Local retardation: Floor
Unknown persons suspected to cause retardation of mental retardation
Measurement is different, is considered. These sub-categories if the imagination
A person's IQ is higher than 70 is not used.
The incidence of retardation
Mind on Statistics vary. Looks digits 1 to 3 percent figure
Be more acceptable. Statistics show that boys lagged about 1/5 for girls back
Are needed.
In the very back
May be retained for a long time before it is known which individual constraints. Lies
Or remain in a certain stage of life due to good adaptation, not an official diagnosis
Did. Highest incidence in school children aged between 10 and 14 is the maximum.
With increasing age, the prevalence of severe or profound mental retardation due to mortality rates, years of Gee
The resulting blend is associated with physical abnormalities is less.
A large group of mentally retarded from the start of the union of sperm and ovule are unknown, namely, interruption or disruption of a tug kill himself. Defect in a single gene or a gene pair, the
Loss, or loss of a chromosome was more important factors in severe retardation
Or are deep, though it rarely happens, but if it happens, the effects
Sharp leaves. Effects of another gene in mental retardation, poor performance, or
The lack of enzyme systems and chemical functions of the enzyme., In such a situation the body's inability
The production of the enzymes which metabolize fat, sugar and protein
Is the accumulation of excessive natural metabolic and intellectual development of children
Environmental and psychosocial factors in the etiology of mental retardation.
The majority of children lagging behind society
Psycho-social - are usually due to a lack of significant differences with
Normal children bring to school are not recognized if the child is usually 1) of a compromise and
Acts retarded IQ level, 2) evidence of retardation in the immediate family
If not, 3) show clear signs of pathological conditions in the brain, not available
4) had a poor family background and family problems created homes
, Malnutrition, inadequate medical care, the child can say it backwards
Mental retardation - is social. General, the mental retardation - social or child
Poor quality operation between the cultural environment and other people around their faces
Or that the social isolation and sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and long
Growth has fallen during the day. Exclusion as one of the environmental factors, the map
Pervasive and destructive than children in the general competence that will
The most obvious effect is manifested in the verbal process. This is considered
The high correlation between early verbal stimulation and intelligence, the intelligence development process, key
Plays. The quality stimulate children and how parents interact with the children's role in
Cot verbal abilities and deficiencies or defects that can reduce
These capabilities help. Research in this area indicates multiple trigger levels
Words, an important predictor of future changes are considered child.
In the context of the treatment of mental retardation as a successful, practicing and learning the hypothetical life situations and providing appropriate feedback to children to help.
Given the problems that arise retarded children's family education, family role and competence, and kept them in their thoughts or coping with the reality of the
Increases with retarded children. Parents an opportunity to express feelings in this regard should
Of guilt, hopelessness, denial, anger is associated with impaired child and his future with the
Providing the latest information on the causes, treatment, and other related spheres parents
Such as special education, and the term sensory impairment, their ability in dealing with problems
Son said.
Medication can be adjusted with mentally retarded children and some of their behavior.
Their role is as aggressive abuse., Some studies suggest that
Lithium is useful in reducing aggression and self-abuse backward. 

Types of mental retardation

Although it can be a variety of specialty mental retardation from the angle of interest row
And they focus on the specialties outlined, but it is best to
Subscribe to the complete segmentation of AAMR comments
IV and ICD 10 there, instead of using terms such as
Cana, stupid, flexible learning, open education, shelter, and they are classified as a disorder
More specific and more efficient to do so, America Psychiatric Association (
APA) in its final classification of mental retardation based on five categories as
Mild, moderate, severe, profound uncertainty (SU)
Has classified.
Retardation Mild mental retardation in 85% of the class
Are. The intelligence of children 50 to 55 to 70 in
Is considered. That is usually due to normal appearance and
No sensory impairment - physical or verbal behavior and social well being of relatively minor
Normal school age, is not recognized. Mildly retarded children at an early age than slower growing
And the additional support in the areas of self-care such as eating, dressing and
Go cleanliness training need. They can get to fifth grade until late adolescence
Studied the relative social adjustment and gradually learned skills
Professional and social self-sufficiency for at least nine times in normal and stressful situations
Learn. They speak so fluently and
Usually they can read, write and do arithmetic, but their activity and academic performance
Extent of the needs of everyday life and in adulthood, especially in their
Financial management tips must be required. Longer they can keep their jobs
And have friends and some can marry and bear children.
Most of mild mental retardation from minority groups and social backgrounds and expertise
Down to the general population. Many more remain behind in the minority groups indicate
Significant effects on the environment - cultural and genetic.
Moderate retardation: a retarded one tenth largest group of
IQ level 35-40 to 50-55, and they are not able to speak or at least relationships are
Most of that intelligence and social adjustment problems. Mentally retarded children
Often during preschool ages of 2-3 years appears.
Many people with this kind of lag one or multiple organ failure
Are identified., For example, the number of people with the syndrome and the syndrome
Fragile X mental retardation are at an intermediate level. They are about six years
Cups and spoons to eat their own food and water. Dressed in work
They should start toilet training, the number of words used and the shape of the
Detected. During adolescence, they learn self-care skills and can
Simply make a call, read a few words and do simple tasks. Awareness
Limited social learning, adults can benefit from them in the Works
Professional and easy to take care of yourself, recognize your position. Yet in
Stressful conditions are required supervision and guidance of 0.1
Severe retardation: a retarded group of around four percent
Make the IQ level 20-25 to 35-40 with one of these types of retardation is associated with more severe disorders. Majority
Organ failure of one or more individuals suffer from mental retardation. Many people with
Mental retardation, severe physical or motor problems to simultaneously show the
While some other respiratory disease, heart disease or other disorders show. Per
However, people with severe mental retardation, poor motor development in the years ahead
Show a significant slowing of the school and speak slowly and usually twenties and
Learn relations and numerical skills and reading in everyday life
, Do not come. Many of them in group homes or institutions under the supervision of environmental
Some live in small workshops and vocational centers
Profound mental retardation: Mental retardation is less than the number of
Percent of them are backward and their IQ is lower than the 25-30, at least
The ability of sensory functions - to move 0.1 and nursing needs constant support. Few of them somewhat self-care ability and speech, and learn simple social behavior, but the
However, they require constant nursing care.
Local retardation: Floor
Unknown persons suspected to cause retardation of mental retardation
Measurement is different, is considered. These sub-categories if the imagination
A person's IQ is higher than 70 is not used.
The incidence of retardation
Mind on Statistics vary. Looks digits 1 to 3 percent figure
Be more acceptable. Statistics show that boys lagged about 1/5 for girls back
Are needed.
In the very back
May be retained for a long time before it is known which individual constraints. Lies
Or remain in a certain stage of life due to good adaptation, not an official diagnosis
Did. Highest incidence in school children aged between 10 and 14 is the maximum.
With increasing age, the prevalence of severe or profound mental retardation due to mortality rates, years of Gee
The resulting blend is associated with physical abnormalities is less.
A large group of mentally retarded from the start of the union of sperm and ovule are unknown, namely, interruption or disruption of a tug kill himself. Defect in a single gene or a gene pair, the
Loss, or loss of a chromosome was more important factors in severe retardation
Or are deep, though it rarely happens, but if it happens, the effects
Sharp leaves. Effects of another gene in mental retardation, poor performance, or
The lack of enzyme systems and chemical functions of the enzyme., In such a situation the body's inability
The production of the enzymes which metabolize fat, sugar and protein
Is the accumulation of excessive natural metabolic and intellectual development of children
Environmental and psychosocial factors in the etiology of mental retardation.
The majority of children lagging behind society
Psycho-social - are usually due to a lack of significant differences with
Normal children bring to school are not recognized if the child is usually 1) of a compromise and
Acts retarded IQ level, 2) evidence of retardation in the immediate family
If not, 3) show clear signs of pathological conditions in the brain, not available
4) had a poor family background and family problems created homes
, Malnutrition, inadequate medical care, the child can say it backwards
Mental retardation - is social. General, the mental retardation - social or child
Poor quality operation between the cultural environment and other people around their faces
Or that the social isolation and sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and long
Growth has fallen during the day. Exclusion as one of the environmental factors, the map
Pervasive and destructive than children in the general competence that will
The most obvious effect is manifested in the verbal process. This is considered
The high correlation between early verbal stimulation and intelligence, the intelligence development process, key
Plays. The quality stimulate children and how parents interact with the children's role in
Cot verbal abilities and deficiencies or defects that can reduce
These capabilities help. Research in this area indicates multiple trigger levels
Words, an important predictor of future changes are considered child.
In the context of the treatment of mental retardation as a successful, practicing and learning the hypothetical life situations and providing appropriate feedback to children to help.
Given the problems that arise retarded children's family education, family role and competence, and kept them in their thoughts or coping with the reality of the
Increases with retarded children. Parents an opportunity to express feelings in this regard should
Of guilt, hopelessness, denial, anger is associated with impaired child and his future with the
Providing the latest information on the causes, treatment, and other related spheres parents
Such as special education, and the term sensory impairment, their ability in dealing with problems
Son said.
Medication can be adjusted with mentally retarded children and some of their behavior.
Their role is as aggressive abuse., Some studies suggest that
Lithium is useful in reducing aggression and self-abuse backward. 

Although it can be a variety of specialty mental retardation from the angle of interest row
And they focus on the specialties outlined, but it is best to
Subscribe to the complete segmentation of AAMR comments
IV and ICD 10 there, instead of using terms such as
Cana, stupid, flexible learning, open education, shelter, and they are classified as a disorder
More specific and more efficient to do so, America Psychiatric Association (
APA) in its final classification of mental retardation based on five categories as
Mild, moderate, severe, profound uncertainty (SU)
Has classified.
Retardation Mild mental retardation in 85% of the class
Are. The intelligence of children 50 to 55 to 70 in
Is considered. That is usually due to normal appearance and
No sensory impairment - physical or verbal behavior and social well being of relatively minor
Normal school age, is not recognized. Mildly retarded children at an early age than slower growing
And the additional support in the areas of self-care such as eating, dressing and
Go cleanliness training need. They can get to fifth grade until late adolescence
Studied the relative social adjustment and gradually learned skills
Professional and social self-sufficiency for at least nine times in normal and stressful situations
Learn. They speak so fluently and
Usually they can read, write and do arithmetic, but their activity and academic performance
Extent of the needs of everyday life and in adulthood, especially in their
Financial management tips must be required. Longer they can keep their jobs
And have friends and some can marry and bear children.
Most of mild mental retardation from minority groups and social backgrounds and expertise
Down to the general population. Many more remain behind in the minority groups indicate
Significant effects on the environment - cultural and genetic.
Moderate retardation: a retarded one tenth largest group of
IQ level 35-40 to 50-55, and they are not able to speak or at least relationships are
Most of that intelligence and social adjustment problems. Mentally retarded children
Often during preschool ages of 2-3 years appears.
Many people with this kind of lag one or multiple organ failure
Are identified., For example, the number of people with the syndrome and the syndrome
Fragile X mental retardation are at an intermediate level. They are about six years
Cups and spoons to eat their own food and water. Dressed in work
They should start toilet training, the number of words used and the shape of the
Detected. During adolescence, they learn self-care skills and can
Simply make a call, read a few words and do simple tasks. Awareness
Limited social learning, adults can benefit from them in the Works
Professional and easy to take care of yourself, recognize your position. Yet in
Stressful conditions are required supervision and guidance of 0.1
Severe retardation: a retarded group of around four percent
Make the IQ level 20-25 to 35-40 with one of these types of retardation is associated with more severe disorders. Majority
Organ failure of one or more individuals suffer from mental retardation. Many people with
Mental retardation, severe physical or motor problems to simultaneously show the
While some other respiratory disease, heart disease or other disorders show. Per
However, people with severe mental retardation, poor motor development in the years ahead
Show a significant slowing of the school and speak slowly and usually twenties and
Learn relations and numerical skills and reading in everyday life
, Do not come. Many of them in group homes or institutions under the supervision of environmental
Some live in small workshops and vocational centers
Profound mental retardation: Mental retardation is less than the number of
Percent of them are backward and their IQ is lower than the 25-30, at least
The ability of sensory functions - to move 0.1 and nursing needs constant support. Few of them somewhat self-care ability and speech, and learn simple social behavior, but the
However, they require constant nursing care.
Local retardation: Floor
Unknown persons suspected to cause retardation of mental retardation
Measurement is different, is considered. These sub-categories if the imagination
A person's IQ is higher than 70 is not used.
The incidence of retardation
Mind on Statistics vary. Looks digits 1 to 3 percent figure
Be more acceptable. Statistics show that boys lagged about 1/5 for girls back
Are needed.
In the very back
May be retained for a long time before it is known which individual constraints. Lies
Or remain in a certain stage of life due to good adaptation, not an official diagnosis
Did. Highest incidence in school children aged between 10 and 14 is the maximum.
With increasing age, the prevalence of severe or profound mental retardation due to mortality rates, years of Gee
The resulting blend is associated with physical abnormalities is less.
A large group of mentally retarded from the start of the union of sperm and ovule are unknown, namely, interruption or disruption of a tug kill himself. Defect in a single gene or a gene pair, the
Loss, or loss of a chromosome was more important factors in severe retardation
Or are deep, though it rarely happens, but if it happens, the effects
Sharp leaves. Effects of another gene in mental retardation, poor performance, or
The lack of enzyme systems and chemical functions of the enzyme., In such a situation the body's inability
The production of the enzymes which metabolize fat, sugar and protein
Is the accumulation of excessive natural metabolic and intellectual development of children
Environmental and psychosocial factors in the etiology of mental retardation.
The majority of children lagging behind society
Psycho-social - are usually due to a lack of significant differences with
Normal children bring to school are not recognized if the child is usually 1) of a compromise and
Acts retarded IQ level, 2) evidence of retardation in the immediate family
If not, 3) show clear signs of pathological conditions in the brain, not available
4) had a poor family background and family problems created homes
, Malnutrition, inadequate medical care, the child can say it backwards
Mental retardation - is social. General, the mental retardation - social or child
Poor quality operation between the cultural environment and other people around their faces
Or that the social isolation and sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and long
Growth has fallen during the day. Exclusion as one of the environmental factors, the map
Pervasive and destructive than children in the general competence that will
The most obvious effect is manifested in the verbal process. This is considered
The high correlation between early verbal stimulation and intelligence, the intelligence development process, key
Plays. The quality stimulate children and how parents interact with the children's role in
Cot verbal abilities and deficiencies or defects that can reduce
These capabilities help. Research in this area indicates multiple trigger levels
Words, an important predictor of future changes are considered child.
In the context of the treatment of mental retardation as a successful, practicing and learning the hypothetical life situations and providing appropriate feedback to children to help.
Given the problems that arise retarded children's family education, family role and competence, and kept them in their thoughts or coping with the reality of the
Increases with retarded children. Parents an opportunity to express feelings in this regard should
Of guilt, hopelessness, denial, anger is associated with impaired child and his future with the
Providing the latest information on the causes, treatment, and other related spheres parents
Such as special education, and the term sensory impairment, their ability in dealing with problems
Son said.
Medication can be adjusted with mentally retarded children and some of their behavior.
Their role is as aggressive abuse., Some studies suggest that
Lithium is useful in reducing aggression and self-abuse backward. 

Types of mental retardation

Although it can be a variety of specialty mental retardation from the angle of interest row
And they focus on the specialties outlined, but it is best to
Subscribe to the complete segmentation of AAMR comments
IV and ICD 10 there, instead of using terms such as
Cana, stupid, flexible learning, open education, shelter, and they are classified as a disorder
More specific and more efficient to do so, America Psychiatric Association (
APA) in its final classification of mental retardation based on five categories as
Mild, moderate, severe, profound uncertainty (SU)
Has classified.
Retardation Mild mental retardation in 85% of the class
Are. The intelligence of children 50 to 55 to 70 in
Is considered. That is usually due to normal appearance and
No sensory impairment - physical or verbal behavior and social well being of relatively minor
Normal school age, is not recognized. Mildly retarded children at an early age than slower growing
And the additional support in the areas of self-care such as eating, dressing and
Go cleanliness training need. They can get to fifth grade until late adolescence
Studied the relative social adjustment and gradually learned skills
Professional and social self-sufficiency for at least nine times in normal and stressful situations
Learn. They speak so fluently and
Usually they can read, write and do arithmetic, but their activity and academic performance
Extent of the needs of everyday life and in adulthood, especially in their
Financial management tips must be required. Longer they can keep their jobs
And have friends and some can marry and bear children.
Most of mild mental retardation from minority groups and social backgrounds and expertise
Down to the general population. Many more remain behind in the minority groups indicate
Significant effects on the environment - cultural and genetic.
Moderate retardation: a retarded one tenth largest group of
IQ level 35-40 to 50-55, and they are not able to speak or at least relationships are
Most of that intelligence and social adjustment problems. Mentally retarded children
Often during preschool ages of 2-3 years appears.
Many people with this kind of lag one or multiple organ failure
Are identified., For example, the number of people with the syndrome and the syndrome
Fragile X mental retardation are at an intermediate level. They are about six years
Cups and spoons to eat their own food and water. Dressed in work
They should start toilet training, the number of words used and the shape of the
Detected. During adolescence, they learn self-care skills and can
Simply make a call, read a few words and do simple tasks. Awareness
Limited social learning, adults can benefit from them in the Works
Professional and easy to take care of yourself, recognize your position. Yet in
Stressful conditions are required supervision and guidance of 0.1
Severe retardation: a retarded group of around four percent
Make the IQ level 20-25 to 35-40 with one of these types of retardation is associated with more severe disorders. Majority
Organ failure of one or more individuals suffer from mental retardation. Many people with
Mental retardation, severe physical or motor problems to simultaneously show the
While some other respiratory disease, heart disease or other disorders show. Per
However, people with severe mental retardation, poor motor development in the years ahead
Show a significant slowing of the school and speak slowly and usually twenties and
Learn relations and numerical skills and reading in everyday life
, Do not come. Many of them in group homes or institutions under the supervision of environmental
Some live in small workshops and vocational centers
Profound mental retardation: Mental retardation is less than the number of
Percent of them are backward and their IQ is lower than the 25-30, at least
The ability of sensory functions - to move 0.1 and nursing needs constant support. Few of them somewhat self-care ability and speech, and learn simple social behavior, but the
However, they require constant nursing care.
Local retardation: Floor
Unknown persons suspected to cause retardation of mental retardation
Measurement is different, is considered. These sub-categories if the imagination
A person's IQ is higher than 70 is not used.
The incidence of retardation
Mind on Statistics vary. Looks digits 1 to 3 percent figure
Be more acceptable. Statistics show that boys lagged about 1/5 for girls back
Are needed.
In the very back
May be retained for a long time before it is known which individual constraints. Lies
Or remain in a certain stage of life due to good adaptation, not an official diagnosis
Did. Highest incidence in school children aged between 10 and 14 is the maximum.
With increasing age, the prevalence of severe or profound mental retardation due to mortality rates, years of Gee
The resulting blend is associated with physical abnormalities is less.
A large group of mentally retarded from the start of the union of sperm and ovule are unknown, namely, interruption or disruption of a tug kill himself. Defect in a single gene or a gene pair, the
Loss, or loss of a chromosome was more important factors in severe retardation
Or are deep, though it rarely happens, but if it happens, the effects
Sharp leaves. Effects of another gene in mental retardation, poor performance, or
The lack of enzyme systems and chemical functions of the enzyme., In such a situation the body's inability
The production of the enzymes which metabolize fat, sugar and protein
Is the accumulation of excessive natural metabolic and intellectual development of children
Environmental and psychosocial factors in the etiology of mental retardation.
The majority of children lagging behind society
Psycho-social - are usually due to a lack of significant differences with
Normal children bring to school are not recognized if the child is usually 1) of a compromise and
Acts retarded IQ level, 2) evidence of retardation in the immediate family
If not, 3) show clear signs of pathological conditions in the brain, not available
4) had a poor family background and family problems created homes
, Malnutrition, inadequate medical care, the child can say it backwards
Mental retardation - is social. General, the mental retardation - social or child
Poor quality operation between the cultural environment and other people around their faces
Or that the social isolation and sensory deprivation, extreme isolation and long
Growth has fallen during the day. Exclusion as one of the environmental factors, the map
Pervasive and destructive than children in the general competence that will
The most obvious effect is manifested in the verbal process. This is considered
The high correlation between early verbal stimulation and intelligence, the intelligence development process, key
Plays. The quality stimulate children and how parents interact with the children's role in
Cot verbal abilities and deficiencies or defects that can reduce
These capabilities help. Research in this area indicates multiple trigger levels
Words, an important predictor of future changes are considered child.
In the context of the treatment of mental retardation as a successful, practicing and learning the hypothetical life situations and providing appropriate feedback to children to help.
Given the problems that arise retarded children's family education, family role and competence, and kept them in their thoughts or coping with the reality of the
Increases with retarded children. Parents an opportunity to express feelings in this regard should
Of guilt, hopelessness, denial, anger is associated with impaired child and his future with the
Providing the latest information on the causes, treatment, and other related spheres parents
Such as special education, and the term sensory impairment, their ability in dealing with problems
Son said.
Medication can be adjusted with mentally retarded children and some of their behavior.
Their role is as aggressive abuse., Some studies suggest that
Lithium is useful in reducing aggression and self-abuse backward. 

Fissure or Fissure

Tearing and abrasion tear, scratches and cracks and sores in the anal fissure or Fisher said. The rupture caused by spasm (contraction) of internal anal sphincter and cause pain and increase the depth of the rupture is severe wounds caused by reduced blood supply to the anus.
Prevalence: From infancy to old age are generally very common.
Causes: Constipation and diarrhea often prolonged and excessive straining during defecation and childbirth streining and is caused by prolonged use of laxatives.
Sometimes, due to increased pressure in the anal canal (pressure) system Asfnktryk (bowel control) is high, resulting in impaired blood supply to the skin is Vmkhat anal fissure is created.
· Psychological disorders also increase Tvnvsyth Asfnktryk systems and sometimes because the fissure.
Unknown Causes: Sometimes, however, the cause is not clear fissure.
Symptoms: The main symptoms are pain and bleeding anus.
Pain is the most important diagnostic fissure pain is worse off in the course of successive Venice is cyclical and recurrent pain and pain in a severe and prolonged period is to be constant. Under the curve of pain in mind. Due to severe pain in patients with possible passage of stool withholding and constipation Tshdydh and therefore it causes more severe wounds and a vicious cycle is created. If the first 6-3 weeks is a pain if it is more acute fissure and fissure it is called chronic fissure is chronic, often around a leading edge.
Acute fissures usually treated with medical therapy, but chronic fissures, often requiring surgery (laser or standard) is.
After passing bright red blood at the time of disposal or other signs of a fissure. With black stools (melena) have other reasons to be searched.
Purulent discharge can be caused due to secondary infection fissure.
Sometimes the raised border of the small bowel fistula fissure is purulent discharge.
· Anal itching sometimes occurs, but it is not necessary for diagnosis.
Sometimes hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), fissures exist simultaneously and together they give a reason for the surgery (laser standard), acute fissure is even.
· Fissure itself is not carcinogenic, but especially in the top 40 at the same time there must be considered.
Medical treatment: acute fissure and fissure in 50% of cases of chronic drug therapy improves liver in 10% of cases. Chronic fissure, acute fissure treatment in general medical and surgical treatment is preferred.
Fissure has several important principles: treating constipation - pain - hot tub
Drug treatment of fissure-fiber diet with plenty of water and exercise more (exercise more) and get treatment if necessary, use of laxatives.
Pain with anti-inflammatories such as cortisone creams contain anesthetics Zaylvkayyn property relief will be given at the time of disposal.
Suppositories are often useless because the bowel (rectum) while the denominator is placed on denominators are the scars.
Pain associated with chronic anal fissures ointment 2/0% Nitrate (as glyceriltrinitrate) or oral or topical diltiazem 2% or Ayzvsvr Dylytazm should be treated with nitrates. Recently, the use of arginine and Btankvl has also been suggested.
The form nitro ointment anal fissure But from the Nytrvgylysryn Gylysryn market is 3% 3/0 is used, however, to a concentration of 5% / 0% is used. This day cream in the morning and two in the afternoon and evenings for up to 8-10 weeks is used and can not be used as a contraction of the sphincter at night and sleep decreases. The ointment, especially at higher concentrations can cause headaches like Astamynvfyn be controlled with painkillers.
The headache is less and the Diltiazem is preferred.
Bvtvlynvyvm Toxin (botox) botalinium fissure also be used if the patient is resistant to medical therapy and topical ointment glyceriltrinitrate and diltiazem, and surgery is not possible or the patient is not satisfied that it is used.
10-2/5 internal sphincter at the sides of the unit for anesthesia and hospitalization are Shvdvnyaz denred lin injections. Because this drug is quite expensive and only in cases where glyceriltrinitrate diltiazem and other medical procedures that are not effective.
Nyfdpyn ointment 2/0% and Btankvl the fissure has been used, but their efficacy needs further investigation.
Warm sitz bath tub of warm water.
Asfnktryk system will help to reduce the activity of water, 40 ° C for 20 minutes, 3 times a day.
Do Btldyn and permanganate or salt in it.
Surgical treatment:
The most effective treatment for chronic anal fissures cut the internal sphincter and its success rate is 100 to 95%.
Generally when Fisher pain despite medical therapy for one month stay or will recur after initial recovery operation is attempted. In case of severe pain, surgery decisions faster.
Local anesthesia in surgery and outpatient surgeries standard methods or by using a laser to cut the internal sphincter in other areas will also be removed sentinel pile or skin tag. Using a long-acting anesthetic to the patient can immediately go to work. Most patients experienced improvement in pain immediately, but a few days later the pain from the incision, especially in passing that the housing can be controlled.
Instructions after surgery:
1 - high-fiber diet
2 - no straining
3 - Use of laxatives if necessary
4 - Housing
5 - Antibiotics
6 - Use warm water basin containing dilute Betadine for 10 days
7 - Driving and walking and bathing is permitted.

In response to questions about IUI

Where and how long before the IUI the sperm sample is taken?
Usually sperm sample is poured into a sterile sample container. In most cases, it is necessary that the maximum half an hour after the sperm is transported to the lab. (This is when semen coagulating liquid accordingly). So if a couple of minutes away from the clinic and live up (or their hotel a half hour away from the clinic) can be sampled at the home or hotel and deliver it to the clinic. Samples were transported to the clinic should be such that the temperature is close to 37 degrees. (The patient can be kept within the samples under uniform and close to the body). Typical delivery time to about one hour of lab time is required to prepare the samples.
When is the best time for IUI?
IUI ideally should be around 6 hours to the time of ovulation. Because of the problem of male infertility some doctors believe after ovulation is the best time. In other cases, it is best administered before ovulation and sperm are expected to reach the egg. IUI between 36 to 48 hours after hCG injection occurs. IUI is usually a time of 36 hours after injection of hCG done. In some centers, the IUI 24 and 48 hours after injection of hCG results have been 6 percent. Just 24 hours after the egg is released from the body can survive.
What is the success rate of IUI?
Medical check various sources indicate that the IUI success has a different range of sources, some successful and some sources even in the 6% to 26% have been reported. Obviously, the success rate depends on the number and quality of eggs, sperm samples will be. Average success rate of IUI is between 15% to 20%. Also in this method, multiple pregnancies is between 20% to 30%.
How it feels to do IUI?
Most women experience no pain or anything so do the IUI cancer screening (Pap smears) are seen. In some cases, abdominal cramps consequently have been but probably more because of the release of the egg in your body to do IUI. Nociceptives generally do not cause into because of the catheter cervix this time the because of the uterine cervix changes hormonal slightly opened.
How prepared sperm (washed) can survive?
Recent studies show that sperm can be prepared to survive for 24 to 72 hours. However, reducing its ability to advance beyond 24 hours. Another issue is the swimming sperm through the fallopian tubes.Therefore, the ideal time to release the egg is around 6-12 hours.
You will have to lie down after IUI?
Drazbkshyd after IUI because you do not have an open cervix but most doctors will not allow patients to 30 minutes after a 15 minute lie down on the bed.
There is no need for you to rest after IUI?
Most patients do not need. But if you have abdominal pain or cramps you can get some rest. Most patients can reduce their heavy work and hope to increase their chances of conceiving.
How long is it before we had intercourse IUI?
It depends on your situation, but should not be more than 3 days. If you do IUI the sperm count is low is better than at least 24 hours before you have intercourse. Public opinion on the last hCG injection when you have sex then avoid intercourse until IUI.
How long after IUI can have intercourse?
IUI is usually any time after you start having sex after IUI in fact, most doctors to patients who Khvdpyshnhad.
Is it possible to get out of there sperm from the uterus after IUI?
Because sperm is injected directly into the uterus, it is not possible to exit. Emad may feel a slight discharge after IUI catheter, and because of that it has become loose cervical fluid. Especially when the IUI Ovulation occurs when the fluid surrounding the cervix is ​​looser than normal situations.
Best of follicles (eggs) to do what is IUI?
3 to 4 follicles (eggs) will create the best chances of success. Obviously, the greater the number of follicles (eggs) will increase the chance of multiple pregnancies.
When the problem is not too few sperm, IUI it still work?
IUI when the cervical mucus is Rhmm problems with clomiphene therapy is an effective method. And if IUI with injectable drugs used regardless of the problem of low sperm count is also an effective way. It should be noted that in the case of sexual intercourse and can normally only the best sperm cervical mucus is rejected and can to place your egg autoerotism the most sperm can be at it of fertilization IUI be.
What is the minimum number of sperm required for IUI?
However, at least one million sperm (the preparation phase) is essential for IUI but if the sperm count is less than the 8 to 10 million, a significant decrease in the success rate of IUI will happen. However, it seems the minimum sperm count required for IUI effectiveness is about 5 million. Well with the number of successes that occur between 20 and 30 million and sperm count above 50 million additional advantage would be much more successful.
If no result, so many times I need to repeat IUI?
It's up to you and depends on the type of drugs you use. One might do 3-4 IUI with clomiphene and IUI with injectable drugs also do 3-4 times. However, if someone 3-4 times after IUI with injectable drugs and despite the fact that her eggs had good growth IUI did not need him using more sophisticated methods as a result did IVF.
IUI can be done in your home?
IUI at home can not be performed without adequate equipment. In IUI the sperm is prepared using special equipment (washed) is. Although no one can prepare sperm into the vagina and around the cervix were no different from normal intercourse success rate and if not prepared sperm (washed) was injected directly into the uterus is very dangerous and may even cause and death.
Is bleeding after IUI normal?
Although it usually does not happen but it is possible, especially when the doctor is forced to cervical Tnakvlvm (a forceps) hold. Some women experience slight bleeding when the egg is released, which has to do with your IUI.
What does implantation occur both during and after IUI?
Implantation (fetuses fixed and determined in the uterus during pregnancy) between 16-12 days after the egg is released or will occur 16-12 days after IUI.
Usually an ultrasound is performed several times to control the growth of eggs?
It totally depends on your situation and the type of drugs used and may be necessary for you to take some time ultrasound.
Size of follicles (eggs) it must be said that Adult (risen) is?
Many doctors growing follicles (eggs) with ultrasound control. Size of follicles (eggs) look for different doctors, but most doctors if the patient is taking the drug clomiphene no or only 20 to 24 mm are considered, and the use of FSH alone may have 17 or 18 mm and a FSH + LH 16 or 17 mm is used to consider the mature size. It is possible that as much as 14 to 15 mm follicles containing oocytes also be natural. In addition to the release of the follicles grow about one to two millimeters per day. A woman may have more than one egg in a cycle of release, and when they returned to normal size if you do not use until 24 hours after the eggs hCG in the body will be released. HCG injection in 95% of females release eggs will be in 36 hours.
As estradiol (E2) it should be?
As estradiol (E2) must be on when the follicle is 18 mm is between 200 and 600 pg ml. Some doctors consider normal, but slightly higher, at least 150 seems to be better.
What risks can have IUI?
IUI major risks such as stomach cramps, mild damage to the cervix cause bleeding or spotting would be minimal and temporary. Further growth will be too ovaries with drugs like clomiphene IUI subsequent risk and low risk with injectable drugs will be.
Whether there is a need for pain medication before or after IUI?
Most patients do not need painkillers, but if severe abdominal cramps is better ibuprofen or diclofenac Naprvksan Shyaff drug taking and instead they would be right.
Preparation (washing) What is sperm?
Preparation or sperm washing is an experimental technique that uses specific techniques for sperm mobility and sperm are separated from other natural and infertility treatments such as IUI IVF, and the will be used.
How long after IUI I'm swimming?
Although swimming will not be a problem but its better to do it after 48 hours.
Is IUI is possible after tubal ligation?
No. Tubal ligation is an effective method of contraception to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. If you have closed your fallopian tubes or tubal any reason you have closed the only way that can help you with IUI and IVF techniques will not help you.
IUI can be used to select the sex?
With some preparation methods can be separated into male and female sperm can be used for sex selection. The preparation methods are low sperm count, which is eventually removed and it is not recommended for those who are infertile.

Being single and not having sex can be harmful for the body

1 - Improved sense of smell: After sex, prolactin secretion increases. These hormones cause the brain cells in the olfactory bulb, the brain can create new neurons. (During lactation in women will also improve the sense of smell)
2 - Reduce the risk of heart disease: sex more than 3 times a week reduces the risk of heart disease in men by half. Sex also reduces bad cholesterol.
3 - Weight loss and fitness: Sex is a physical activity. A passionate sex burns 200 calories, the equivalent of 15 minutes of running on the treadmill equipment (both fixed). Pulse excited (sexually) of 70 beats per minute to 150 beats per minute increases. Muscular contractions during intercourse which involved training and pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, back and chest. Seminal plasma contains male hormones that stimulate the thyroid gland, which can increase the basal metabolic rate and weight loss in women with them.
4 - sex increases the production of testosterone, this hormone will strengthen muscles and bones.
5 - Reduce depression: women who are sexually active do not use condoms and their sexual partners, are less prone to depression. Prostaglandin in semen of men are attracted by women's genitalia and the female hormones are moderated. Male semen contains hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are both effective in improving mood. Women who are exposed to their husbands' semen (sex without condoms) are happier. (Of course, the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases should be a priority)
6 - pain: before Azargasm (orgasm), the hormone oxytocin is increased to 5 times the normal level. This hormone causes the release of endorphins (the body's natural painkillers) which relieves any pain. The sex hormone estrogen, which can reduce menstrual cramps.
7 - fewer colds: people who have sex 1-2 times a week, Aymnvglvbyn A antibody levels in the body is 30 percent more. This will help boost your immune system.
8 - Better bladder control: Sex Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the bladder is to be natural.
9 - healthy teeth: Seminal plasma (absorbed by the lining of the vagina) contains zinc, calcium and other minerals that helps prevent tooth decay. Also Brfrary sexual mores, the two partners are required to adhere to basic hygiene such as brushing teeth.
10 - Prostate Health: Some urologists believe that the relationship between the number of ejaculations and prostate cancer. Prostate and seminal vesicle to produce materials such as zinc, citric acid and potassium from the blood, and they are up to 600 times that concentration. In between each carcinogenic agent in the blood may also carry the same amount of material condensed and accumulated in the prostate. Sex and frequent ejaculation can accumulate within the prostate gland to prevent carcinogenic agents. It has been proved to have sex with multiple partners can increase prostate cancer in men by 40 percent. (Due to increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases)
11 - Is it safe for women to indulge in sex: sex abdominal muscles and buttocks will improve the stature of women. However, provided that the sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and no sign of any stress. Postmenopausal women who refused sex may atrophy (Analysis) are the vagina and painful intercourse. All of menopausal hormones that they need from safe sex with their husbands is available.(Sex without condoms)
12 - but indulge in sex for men is troubling: the penis may cause abrasions or irritation. Also rough sex long penis tissue can be damaged. After relaxation of penile erection and ejaculation is not uncaused. Erection is when the penis fills with blood. But then again, blood does not flow in the penis. Reabsorption of oxygen to the muscles of the penis should be flaccid. If you do not allow the penis to relax and rest, the muscles of the penis are barred from receiving enough oxygen. Priapism disease (PRIAPISM) arises where a permanent erection, the penis may cause cell death. So Priapism is considered a medical emergency.
13 - Increased blood flow: relationship of blood flow to the brain and other organs increases. So more oxygen and nutrients to the organs of the body over and waste disposal are also faster.
14 - longevity: In people with mortality rates reaching orgasm 2 times a week, half of those who experienced orgasm during the month, only once.
15 - sex increases estrogen levels in women are: The hormone causes more vaginal lubrication and flexibility and protects women against heart disease.
16 - Sex is very effective in reducing stress and anxiety: Sex improves sleep quality is also.
17 - If sex is associated with healing and healing is love: If you're someone who cares for you and be your friend and in front of you care and love for him have also physical emotionally Stay close together, then 3-5 times lower risk of premature death and disease will be different. Part of it is due to the positive effects of touch. A hug and cuddle your body will cause a change in chemical composition.
18 - Increased self-confidence and self-esteem in a healthy sexual relationship between men and women (especially men) can have a significant impact

Secret enhance sexual pleasure during sex

The secret to great sex between couples and sexual Vshvr keeps alive the concept body bipolar sex lies ...
The negative pole to positive pole of a magnet attracts another magnet, even when dealing with polarity opposite sex by showing increased interest, desire and sexual pleasure.
In sex, there are two opposite poles: enjoyment and pleasure, you will enjoy one another and enjoyed sexual pleasure simply to be created. The sex, bipolar opposition parties to turn to make the poles are moved to reach the pinnacle of desire and pleasure. While one can enjoy, enjoyed another and then the cycle will change: one can get stops to enjoy the latter.
This relationship has two steps: First, men and women will get then men and women will delight and she needs her attention is focused on the benefit. In the first stage, sex, bipolar man's precedence over everything at their pleasure, surely he wants to enjoy her well, but for now it does not care. In this case, she lived the opposite end, the man is thought-provoking and stimulating expected no.
But, in the second step, which is to get men and women turn to give pleasure. She was able to enjoy what is spent, and now is the time for men to enjoy. In this way, both get what they want.
Invented sex as a dichotomous
Men do not like to spend a long time ago forever, without any prospect caress her partner to bring her to orgasm.
If a man has no desire to ever touch before, do not know the importance of a woman's pleasure is not the case that he is. Excitability difference between men and women is a problem in some cases.
The patient and his wife touch without causing resistance are female. Long waiting for a desperate man. If a man has an orgasm first, she would not have enough energy to meet demand. Thus, in the absence of compliance, the man loses interest in the vicinity, because it is no longer willing to spend the time. He must also be right. At the end of a busy work day, then it is exhausted. I think that should do it, caress, is truly disheartening and Andazndh mobility.
The other side of the story, there is a similar situation for women. Woman near the cold, because the man is trying to prompt her to orgasm, not wanting to desperate man with no positive response. For this reason, it decreases sexual pleasure and he loses his interest. In fact, sex is good when your wife does not have to immediately get excited. He never knows precisely how long it will take or will happen this time or not.
Sex bipolar provides solutions to problems, and (as you'll see) has many other benefits. Instead of waiting and disappointment felt by man can start his or her job and will do anything that Brangykhtnsh. Then when it came to the brink of orgasm, it's time to stop and start to stimulate her. In these cases, all that a woman needs a cuddle before she gives up her orgasmic experience. When the orgasm comes on too.
Often bipolar stimulating male sexual development starts Khvahshsh to get rid of the irritating man and woman enjoyed seeing his arousal.
Like men, women can not drive. The goal is the same. He merely stimulates husband. For this reason a man will also be able to touch or hug or to use other methods. All work is to create arousal in men. At this time, a man and a woman get out and enjoy the fun shoots him.
After about five minutes, the man who was close to the peak of orgasm take over the border, a sign of further stimulate the woman to stop her.
The man was ready to give him all the pleasure he took from her. As the man slowly began to stimulate a woman can enjoy and feel Byasayd to pay off his body. Learn this man needs to be raised two to three minutes, but she wants to make ten front.
Faculty of male arousal and orgasm two to three minutes to reach does not need, but we have to remind his wife of ten times, it takes twenty to thirty minutes.
Reversing the polarity of
The first time, the man stopped, turn off the pole and the second stage seems to be going very hard.Especially, when the first stage of intercourse, they may be highly motivated. Fortunately, the man is very sensitive to the needs of her husband and when she feels she needs to do to get aroused and reach orgasm His self-imposed control requirements.
Biological differences between men and women have different experiences makes the orgasm. Female arousal after orgasm is preserved and can even take more pleasure from intercourse. In this case, high levels of female hormones enjoyable stay. Man is not the case. He loses his arousal after orgasm and giving pleasure hormones promptly disperse and disappear. When the man had finished his work, is all.
Now you can better understand why women preferred male orgasm is important. If a man has an orgasm first, more energy to feed her remains to the woman, but woman from having an orgasm, it is still aroused, the man gives Argasmsh and continue their intercourse more pleasurable range.